How to Keep your Dumpster Rental Clear of Pests

Your dumpster rental will likely not be with you for long, but even in that short span of time, it can become a major magnet for pests of all species and sizes. From tiny crawling maggots to large bears, you don’t want your dumpster rental to be anything other than a repository for your waste. So, what can you do to prevent it from becoming something you never intended?
No food waste

First and foremost, if you don’t want to attract pests, be mindful of what you put into your dumpster rental. Never place food items into it, as it will rot and stink up your immediate area. Flies will be attracted to it, which will cause an infestation of maggots. Raccoons are notorious for finding ways into tight spaces to retrieve all types of items, and you don’t want to entice them with food odors. If you live in an area where bears are present, you should be well aware of the dangers of attracting these large beasts with improperly disposed of food waste.

Concrete, not grass

When you place a dumpster on grass or mulch, you’re inviting insects and rodents to nest underneath it. Always place the unit on a concrete slab. Furthermore, should something leak out of your unit, when it’s on a hard surface there is little danger of the leakage from getting into the ground water.

Cover it

While larger pests, such as bears and raccoons, can find there way into a lidded container, smaller ones will not be as resourceful. If you’re in an area where these larger pests are present, rent a dumpster that has a secured lid, such as a locking mechanism that requires a more intelligent being to figure out how to open it.

If you decide to tie down your lids, be aware that raccoons are known to chew through the straps and gain access to whatever is attracting them.

If you’re making multiple trips to the dump, clean it out after each use. This will ensure that any build up of waste that can attract pests is avoided and you can keep your job site free of unwanted pests and horrible odors.


Clean it up

Make sure when your unit is delivered that it is clean. If you’re making multiple trips to the dump, clean it out after each use. This will ensure that any build up of waste that can attract pests is avoided and you can keep your job site free of unwanted pests and horrible odors.

Use repellents

If you absolutely must dispose of waste that you know will attract pests and you’re unable to secure the lid, try using repellents. A dilution of ammonia and water has been known to keep pests away, however, be mindful of any nearby landscaping that might be damaged by the ammonia.

If squirrels, skunks and rabbits are a particular problem in your area, you can purchase fox or coyote urine and place it around the perimeter of the dumpster to keep these pests away. Fox and coyotes prey on these small animals, and once they get a whiff of the repellent, they’ll feel threatened and leave. You’ll need to reapply the repellent after a rain shower.

At A City Suburban Services, we’ll work with you to keep your rental free of pests and keep your job site as clean as possible. Contact us today and let’s talk about all the options available to you.